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Identity operators in Python

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Today we’ll be talking about the two identity operators, is and is not.

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We use the built-in function id to check the identity of an object. The identities of two objects are different if they have different memory locations.

There are two identity operators which we can use to compare the memory locations of two objects:

isevaluates to True if the two objects have the same identity, which means we have two references to the same object
is notevaluates to True if the two objects have different identities, which means we have two distinct objects

Here’s how it works. We have two variables referring to the same number 5:

>>> a = 5
>>> b = 5 

Turns out a and b refer to the same object:

>>> a is b
>>> a is not b

Let’s check it out. Indeed, the same identities:

>>> id(a)
>>> id(b)

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Another example:

>>> x = "hello"
>>> y = "hi" 

x and y refer to different objects:

>>> x is y

From now on y refers to the same object as x:

>>> y = x

So, they have the same identity:

 >>> x is y

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Type Checking

You can also use the identity operators to check whether an object is of a specific type:

>>> type(True) is bool
>>> type(7) is not float
>>> type("hello") is str

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