Today we’ll be talking about function annotations. These are user-defined data that add some information to functions.
![Function Annotations](
Annotations add information about the function’s arguments and result. They are optional and make no difference for the interpreter. They’re rather for us than the interpreter. Still, they can be pretty helpful.
We often use annotations to add information about the types of the arguments and the type of the value returned from the function. OK, let’s see an example.
We add argument annotations after a colon and result annotations after an arrow (->). We put argument annotations inside the parentheses, directly following the arguments, and result annotations after the closing parenthesis of the argument list.
Here we annotate that the two arguments should be ints and the result also should be an integer:
>>> def func(a: int, b: int) -> int:
... return a + b
Let’s now call the function with two integers:
>>> func(3, 5)
But, as I just mentioned, annotations are ignored by the interpreter, so even if we use different data types for our arguments, it still works just like without any annotations at all:
>>> func("good ", "night")
'good night'
Here’s another example. The annotations are just for us:
def func(a: str, b: float, c: list) -> dict:
This function actually doesn’t do anything, but you can see some other data types used as annotations.
Function Annotations May Be Anything…
But the annotations don’t have to be data types. Actually, they may be anything. We can use them however it makes sense for us:
>>> def func(a: (0, 4, 8), b: 'not a string', c: 2 * 5) -> 'something funny':
... return a + b + c
When we call the function, the annotations are just ignored:
>>> func(1, 2, 3)
Now, if you want to use optional parameters with annotations, they should follow the parameter names but precede the default values:
def func(a: int, b: int = 1, c: str = " ") -> float:
If you need access to the annotations inside your code, they are stored in a dictionary called __annotations__ . The names of the parameters are the keys and the annotations are the values. You will find the result annotation under the key return.
Here’s an example where we’re using the annotations:
def func(a: str, b: int) -> str:
return a * b
message = f"""You are supposed to pass a {func.__annotations__['a']}
and a {func.__annotations__['b']} as arguments to the function.
The function is supposed to return a {func.__annotations__['return']}."""
The output is:
You are supposed to pass a <class 'str'>
and a <class 'int'> as arguments to the function.
The function is supposed to return a <class 'str'>.
Here’s the video version of the article: