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The Counter Class from the collections Module

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Today we’ll be talking about the Counter class from the collections module. The Counter class is used to create an object that can be easily converted to a dictionary.

The class counts the occurrences of identical items in a list and sorts them from greatest to least. We get unique items as keys and the numbers of their occurrences as values.

counter class

Create a Counter Class Object

First let’s import the Counter class from the collections module:

>>> from collections import Counter

Let’s create a list of names:

>>> names = ['Joe', 'Mary', 'Luke', 'Mary', 'Mary', 'Steve', 'Joe', 'Mary', 'Luke']

Let’s create a Counter object from the list we just created:

>>> stats = Counter(names)

Now we can view the counter object. It’s very much like a dictionary…

>>> stats
Counter({'Mary': 4, 'Joe': 2, 'Luke': 2, 'Steve': 1})

… but actually it’s a Counter object:

>>> type(stats)
<class 'collections.Counter'>

You can check how many times a particular item occurs in the list. To do so, you just have to use the Counter object with the key:

>>> m = stats['Mary']
>>> m

If an element doesn’t occur in the list, you don’t get an error. Instead you get the actual number of occurrences:

>>> b = stats['Betty']
>>> b

Change the Number of Occurrences

You can manually change the number of occurrences. Let’s say we want the name Joe to occur 5 times instead of 2:

>>> stats['Joe'] = 5

Now the name indeed occurs 5 times:

>>> stats
Counter({'Joe': 5, 'Mary': 4, 'Luke': 2, 'Steve': 1})

If you set the number of occurrences to 0, the item will still be contained in the Counter object:

>>> stats['Steve'] = 0
>>> stats
Counter({'Joe': 5, 'Mary': 4, 'Luke': 2, 'Steve': 0})

If you don’t need it anymore, you can delete it using the del statement:

>>> del stats['Steve']
>>> stats
Counter({'Joe': 5, 'Mary': 4, 'Luke': 2})

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Convert a Counter Class Object to a List

You can convert the Counter object to a list using the elements method. The elements will be sorted by the number of occurrences from greatest to least:

>>> updated_names = list(stats.elements())
>>> updated_names
['Joe', 'Joe', 'Joe', 'Joe', 'Joe', 'Mary', 'Mary', 'Mary', 'Mary', 'Luke', 'Luke']

Find the Most Common Elements

Using the most_common function you can find the elements that occur the most. You can specify how many elements you need. Let’s find the 2 most popular names:

>>> top2names = stats.most_common(2)
>>> top2names
[('Joe', 5), ('Mary', 4)]

So, you get a list of 2-tuples. Let’s now find the most popular name:

>>> top_name = stats.most_common(1)
>>> top_name
[('Joe', 5)]

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Add and Subtract Counter Objects

Let’s create another list and create a Counter object from it:

>>> german_names = ['Dieter', 'Hans', 'Ilse', 'Hans', 'Ilse', 'Ilse']
>>> stats_de = Counter(german_names)

You can add Counter objects. Let’s add the two we have:

>>> all_stats = stats + stats_de

The resulting Counter object contains all the elements from both original Counters:

>>> all_stats
Counter({'Joe': 5, 'Mary': 4, 'Ilse': 3, 'Luke': 2, 'Hans': 2, 'Dieter': 1})

You can also subtract Counter objects. Let’s remove the German names from all names. Then we’ll be left with just the English names:

>>> stats_eng = all_stats - stats_de
>>> stats_eng
Counter({'Joe': 5, 'Mary': 4, 'Luke': 2})

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Convert a Counter Object to a Dictionary

If you need a regular dictionary, you can use the dict function along with the items method on the Counter object:

>>> dict(stats_eng.items())
{'Joe': 5, 'Mary': 4, 'Luke': 2}

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