In the preceding parts of the openpyxl series we were working on a small workbook saved as wb2.xlsx. We retrieved the data from the workbook and converted it to other formats. But what if need to add new data or modify the data that is already in the workbook? In this part we’ll have a look at some of the most basic operations like adding and updating spreadsheet data. But before that let’s have a look at the contents of the workbook again:
company | city | category | income | number_of_employees |
Roses and Pansies | Toronto | gardening | 456845.00 | 26 |
Reader’s Paradise | Sydney | publisher | 854782.00 | 44 |
Dogs and Cats | Madrid | pets | 458784.00 | 36 |
Enjoy Your Meal | New Orleans | restaurant | 447884.00 | 18 |
Bloom Store | London | gardening | 1254654.00 | 84 |
Tastes of the South | Miami | restaurant | 587454.00 | 42 |
Pet For You | Athens | pets | 987887.00 | 21 |
Eat ‘Em Up | Helsinki | restaurant | 1254477.00 | 53 |
Mr. Bunny | Vienna | pets | 254478.00 | 12 |
As always, the first thing to do is import the workbook:
>>> from openpyxl import load_workbook
>>> workbook = load_workbook(filename="wb2.xlsx")
>>> sheet =
Adding Data
First let’s add some new data. Suppose there’s another company. Here’s how we can add the data to particular cells of row 11:
>>> sheet['A11'] = 'Bookworms Rule'
>>> sheet['B11'], sheet['C11'], sheet['D11'], sheet['E11'] = 'Rome', 'publisher', 124474, 40
To save the data permanently in the workbook, you must call the save method:
If you now open your spreadsheet, you will see the new data added to the last row:
company | city | category | income | number_of_employees |
Roses and Pansies | Toronto | gardening | 456845.00 | 26 |
Reader’s Paradise | Sydney | publisher | 854782.00 | 44 |
Dogs and Cats | Madrid | pets | 458784.00 | 36 |
Enjoy Your Meal | New Orleans | restaurant | 447884.00 | 18 |
Bloom Store | London | gardening | 1254654.00 | 84 |
Tastes of the South | Miami | restaurant | 587454.00 | 42 |
Pet For You | Athens | pets | 987887.00 | 21 |
Eat ‘Em Up | Helsinki | restaurant | 1254477.00 | 53 |
Mr. Bunny | Vienna | pets | 254478.00 | 12 |
Bookworms Rule | Rome | publisher | 124474 | 40 |
Updating Spreadsheet Data
Updating data is equally simple. You just select the cells you want to modify and assign new data to them. So, here’s how you can change the name ‘Pet For You’ to ‘Pets for Everyone’:
>>> sheet['A8'] = 'Pets for Everyone'
Here you can see the updated data in the workbook:
company | city | category | income | number_of_employees |
Roses and Pansies | Toronto | gardening | 456845.00 | 26 |
Reader’s Paradise | Sydney | publisher | 854782.00 | 44 |
Dogs and Cats | Madrid | pets | 458784.00 | 36 |
Enjoy Your Meal | New Orleans | restaurant | 447884.00 | 18 |
Bloom Store | London | gardening | 1254654.00 | 84 |
Tastes of the South | Miami | restaurant | 587454.00 | 42 |
Pets for Everyone | Athens | pets | 987887.00 | 21 |
Eat ‘Em Up | Helsinki | restaurant | 1254477.00 | 53 |
Mr. Bunny | Vienna | pets | 254478.00 | 12 |
Bookworms Rule | Rome | publisher | 124474 | 40 |
Alternatively, you can select the cell that you want to update first and then change its value. Let’s change the income value of the second company from 854782 to 911500:
>>> income_cell = sheet['D3']
>>> income_cell.value = 911500
Here’s the spreadsheet after the modification:
company | city | category | income | number_of_employees |
Roses and Pansies | Toronto | gardening | 456845.00 | 26 |
Reader’s Paradise | Sydney | publisher | 911500.00 | 44 |
Dogs and Cats | Madrid | pets | 458784.00 | 36 |
Enjoy Your Meal | New Orleans | restaurant | 447884.00 | 18 |
Bloom Store | London | gardening | 1254654.00 | 84 |
Tastes of the South | Miami | restaurant | 587454.00 | 42 |
Pets for Everyone | Athens | pets | 987887.00 | 21 |
Eat ‘Em Up | Helsinki | restaurant | 1254477.00 | 53 |
Mr. Bunny | Vienna | pets | 254478.00 | 12 |
Bookworms Rule | Rome | publisher | 124474 | 40 |
One thing to note. You can’t save a workbook if it’s open. If you try, you will get a permission error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'wb2.xlsx'
So, if something like that pops up, you probably didn’t close the file. Just close it and save again, now it should work.
These were just the basic operations on workbooks. In the next part we’ll see how to insert and delete rows and columns.