Today we’ll be making a model of a treasure chest in Blender. I’ll be using the 2.81 version of Blender. In this article we’ll be using the following tools and techniques:
- separate selection
- rename object in Outliner
- subdivide
- proportional editing
- select edge loop
- fill face
- set cursor to selected
- set pivot point
- apply scale
- solidify modifier
- UV Editing workspace
- rename material
- Image Texture
- unwrap
- transforms in UV editor
- Layout workspace
This is what our treasure chest model is going to look like:

And now let’s see how to do it step by step:
Table of Contents
Step 1 – Scale the Default Cube
This time don’t delete the default cube. It’s going to become our treasure chest. Just scale it: S X 2
Step 2 – Scale the Top Face
Go to edit mode.
Select the top face and scale it: S 1.1

Step 3 – Create the Lid of the Treasure Chest
Separate the top face into the lid: P -> Selection (or in the Mesh menu).
Rename the two objects lid and base in the Outliner.
Go to object mode, select the lid and go back to edit mode.
Select the two shorter sides of the lid and subdivide. Set Number of Cuts to 7.

Step 4 – Shape the Lid of the Treasure Chest
Enable proportional editing with spherical falloff.
Select the middle edge and move it up, adjusting the circle: G Z 1
Disable proportional editing.

Step 5 – Make Faces
Select the edge loops on each side one by one and make faces: F

Step 6 – Rotate One of the Faces
Select the lower edge. Move the 3D cursor to it: S -> Cursor to Selected.
Set pivot point to 3D Cursor.
Select the side face of the lid and rotate it: R Y -10

Step 7 – Rotate the Other Face
Select the edge on the opposite side of the lid and move the cursor there.
Select the face and rotate it: R Y 10
Set pivot point to median point.

Step 8 – Apply Scale
Go to object mode.
Move the lid up: G Z 1
Apply scale to both parts of the chest one by one: Object -> Apply -> Scale

Step 9 – Add the Solidify Modifier
Add the Solidify modifier to the lower part of the treasure chest and set Thickness to 0.2. Apply the modifier.
Add the Solidify modifier to the lid and set Thickness to 0.2. Apply the modifier.

Step 10 – Flatten the Bottom Faces of the Lid
Select the lid and go to edit mode.
Select the lower faces.
Scale the faces to make them flat: S Z 0

Step 11 – Flatten the Upper Faces of the Base
In object mode select the base of the chest and go to edit mode.
Select the upper faces.
Flatten the faces: S Z 0

Step 12 – Open the Image for the Image Texture
Deselect all.
Go to the UV Editing workspace.
The default cube already has a material. Rename the material ‘wood’.
Set the material’s color to Image Texture and open the image downloaded from You can grab the image from Github.

Step 13 – Unwrap the Base Texture
In 3D View select all.
Unwrap: U -> Smart UV Project (and click OK in the pop up window).
In 3D View set shading to material.

Step 14 – Scale and Grab the Base Islands in UV Editor
Select each of the four outer faces one by one and scale and grab the corresponding islands in the UV editor. You don’t have to worry about the inner faces and the bottom face because they are not going to be visible.

Step 15 – Unwrap the Lid Texture
Go to object mode.
Select the lid.
Go to edit mode.
In 3D View select all.
Unwrap: U -> Smart UV Project (and click OK in the pop up window).

Step 16 – Scale and Grab the Lid Islands in UV Editor
Select each of the outer faces one by one and scale and grab the corresponding islands in the UV editor. You don’t have to worry about the inner faces because they are not going to be visible.

Step 17 – Move Down the Lid of the Treasure Chest
Go to object mode, Layout workspace.
Move the lid down to the base.

Step 18 – Move the 3D Cursor
Go to edit mode.
Select the edge in the back lower part of the lid.
Move the cursor to the selected edge: Shift + S -> Cursor to Selected

Step 19 – Rotate the Lid of the Treasure Chest
Go to object mode.
Set pivot point to cursor.
Rotate the lid: R X -130
Set pivot point to median point.

Step 20 – Create the Floor for the Treasure Chest to Rest On
Join the base and the lid: Ctrl + J and rename the object ‘chest’.
Center the cursor: Shift + S -> Cursor to World Origin
Create a plane (it’s going to be the floor) and scale it: S 10
Add a material to the plane and set its base color to hex 220705.
Set the World color to black.
Go to Rendered shading.
Select the chest and move it up so that it sits on the plane. Use snapping (hold down Ctrl while moving).

Step 21 – Set the Light
In front and right ortho view grab the light into the chest. It should be in the middle of its height.
Set the light’s color to hex FF9F1C.

Step 22 – Duplicate the Light
Duplicate the light and move it: G Z 5, then G Y -5 and finally G X -3

Step 23 – Duplicate the Other Light
Duplicate the second light and move it: G X 8
Set the power of the light to 400.

Step 24 – Render the Image of the Treasure Chest
Go to camera view.
Lock camera to view, set the scene and unlock the camera.
Render the image.