Today we’ll be creating a simple plaque in Blender. I’ll be using the following features and techniques:
- add text
- edit text
- extrude text
- bevel text
- convert text to mesh
- set cursor to world origin
- set selection to cursor
- snap
- join
- glossy material
- smooth shading vs flat shading
- sun light
- transforms in properties panel
This tutorial is going to be written in a concise style.
And here are the steps:
Table of Contents
Step 1 – Add Text
Delete the initial cube. Go to front view.
Add text and rotate it : R X 90
Scale the text : S 5 Go to edit mode and edit the text. Then go back to object mode.

Step 2 – Extrude and Bevel Text
Object Data -> Geometry -> Extrude : 0.01
Object Data -> Geometry -> Bevel -> Depth : 0.01

Step 3 – Convert Text to Mesh
Object -> Convert to -> Mesh from Curve/Meta/Surf/Text
Set origin to geometry : Object -> Set Origin -> Origin to Geometry
Set cursor to world origin : Shift + S -> Cursor to World Origin

Step 4 – Add a Plane
Add a plane and rotate it: R X 90
Scale the plane: S 3 and then S X appropriately (depends on the length of the name)
Position the plane.

Step 5 – Move and Extrude the Plane
Go to right view.
Move the plane just behind the text: G X -> Ctrl (to snap) + drag
Go to edit mode, right view.
Extrude vertices : E 0.1

Step 6 – Extrude Edges
Edge select mode
Select upper front edge and extrude : E Z -.6
Select lower front edge and extrude : E Z .6

Step 7 – Extrude Faces
Deselect all.
Select the upper and lower face.
Extrude: E .16

Step 8 – Add Glossy Material
Go to object mode. Join the plane and the text: Ctrl + J or in Object menu.
Add a glossy material.
Change base color to copper (hex B87333)
Set roughness to .2
Smooth shading

Step 9 – Set the Light
Set world color to black.
Select the light.
Set light type to Sun.
In the Properties panel set the rotation of the light:
X: 90
Y: 30
Z: 10
Location doesn’t matter for sun light.

Step 10 – Set the Camera
Camera view
Lock camera to view.
Set view as you like.
Unlock camera.

Step 11 – Render Image
Render the image of our plaque in Blender. Here’s the final result: